ICERI 2024



The 14th International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2024)
Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan | June 22-24, 2024| Photo Download

Group Photo


The14th International Conference on Education, Research, and Innovation (ICERI 2024) has been successfully held in Tokyo, Japan from June 22-24, 2024. ICERI 2024 is sponsored by Waseda University, Japan. Against the backdrop of technological advancements and societal changes, ICERI 2024 facilitated profound discussions on the role of innovation in education. From June 22-24, educators and researchers engaged in a rich tapestry of presentations, workshops, and panel discussions, exploring topics ranging from digital pedagogies to inclusive educational practices.


Opening Remarks and Welcome Remarks

Prof. Qun Jin

Waseda University, Japan

Prof. Benjamin W. Wah

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China


Conference program committee chair Assoc. Prof. Xiaokang Zhou, Kansai University, Japan and the publicity chair Assoc. Prof. Neil Yu-Wen Yen The University of Aizu, Japan host the keynote session. The conference chair Prof. Qun Jin, Waseda University, Japan expressed his sincere gratitude to the co-organizers and warm welcome to all the experts and scholars attending the conference. This gathering comprises 94 participants and 15 listeners from diverse backgrounds, representing 38 different countries and regions. (China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Finland, the United Kingdom, Macau, Australia, India, Italy, Uzbekistan, Thailand, Taiwan, Japan, Mexico, Sweden, Lithuania, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, the United States, Nigeria, Croatia, Kazakhstan, Qatar, Spain, Israel, Vietnam, Brazil, Morocco, Estonia, Turkey, Ecuador, Canada, Cyprus, Egypt, Singapore, Pakistan, and Colombia). This international convergence of intellects reflects the universal significance of our conference theme and our shared dedication to sculpting the future of education.


Conference Host

Assoc. Prof. Neil Yu-Wen Yen

The University of Aizu, Japan

Assoc. Prof. Xiaokang Zhou

Kansai University, Japan

Over the next 3 days, ICERI 2024 has a carefully curated agenda featuring a lineup of distinguished Keynote speakers and invited speakers, thought-provoking Invited speeches, interactive presentations. This conference is not just an opportunity to absorb knowledge, but also to engage in fruitful dialogues, challenge assumptions, and ignite new collaborations.

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Yusuke Morita

Waseda University, Japan

Prof. Benjamin W. Wah

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow

Prof. Qing Li, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
IEEE Fellow

Assoc. Prof. Chei Sian Lee, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


Invited Speakers

Prof. Jie Liu

Western Oregon University, USA

Assoc. Prof. Jennifer Stokes

University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia

Prof. Edwin P. Christmann

Slippery Rock University, USA

Assoc. Prof. Chew Fong Pen

University of Malaya (UM), Malaysia


Onsite Moments


The conference was composed of 12 technical oral sessions and poster sessions. Each parallel session went through smoothly and a “Best Presentation” award was issued at the end of sub-conference, with the support of session chairs.


Session Photos


Best Presenter Awards

Session 1: Educational Management, Innovation, and Psychology
BP DE1032-A Chin-Wei Chang
National Chiayi University

Session 2: Multimedia Technology and Social Computing
BP DE1103-A Leino Mare
Tallinn University, Estonia

Session 3: AI Integrated Education and Personalized Learning
BP TM1146-A Christina Siaw Cheok Liew
Vin University, Vietnam

Session 4: Blended Learning and Virtual Learning
BP DE1027 Ka Wing Vanessa Kiu
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China

Session 5: Digital Teaching and Game-Based Learning
BP TM1129-A Shang-En Li
National Cheng Kung University

Session 6: Online Learning: Innovative Technologies and Students' Perceptions
BP TM1099-A Dongkun Han
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China

Session 7: AI-Enhanced Learning and Intelligent Touring System
BP TM1148 Xiaolan Hou
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China

Session 8: Learning Management System and Educational Software Application
BP TM1126 Manuel Garcia
FEU Institute of Technology, Philippines

Session 9: Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Technology in Education
BP TM1124-A Mau-Tsuen Yang
National Dong Hwa University

Session 10: Bibliometric Analysis and Visualization of Literature Related to Educational Research
BP TM1174-A Zarinah Hamid
International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia

Session 11: STEM Education and Subject Teaching
BP DE1015-A David Steven Rosenstein
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

Session 12: Technology and AI in Education
BP TM1145-A Dorothy Chow
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China

Poster Session Educational Information Technology and Psychology
BP DE1072-A Mei-Ling Wang
Tamkang University